
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday, July 1 - Hyalite Canyon

I was pretty sore this morning from falling backwards into my hotel bathtub in the middle of the night.  I rarely sleep  so soundly that I get disoriented while trying to find the bathroom but I was exhausted!  It could have been worse...some bruises and scraped elbow...no concussion!

I checked out and stopped at the forest service office to get a topo map of Hyalite Canyon/Peak (the one in the far distance on the left with all the snow!)

and then headed out there to set up my campsite.  What a beautiful site, with the front door of the tent facing a roaring stream that I'm sure is normally just a meandering brook...there's still a lot of snow in the mountains so it's very full right now...I love sleeping to that sound! 

I set up camp, made lunch (I love my little pocket rocket stove!) and just hung out and read my book for a few hours.  Then I went back into town and did some laundry and grocery shopping before going to the airport to wait for Marc.  His flight was delayed...didn't land until about 11:40 pm and didn't get his bags until after midnight.  We made it back to camp at 1:03 a.m.  It's going to be an EARLY morning to get up and hike tomorrow!

© 2009 Tara Morrison


  1. Cool Mom!!!!!!!

    By the way.......
    We have seen kittens at a museum before. Do you remember the 2008 summer trip? We stopped at that one place that had a big fort and a long walkway to get out to a monument. THey also had pictureof people in the mueseum.

  2. You're right - that was Fort Phil Kearny I think, the lady running the shop had rescued a 3 or 4 week old kitten and had it with her for bottle feeding. I had forgotten!


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Adventures on the road with (and sometimes without) my kids. Check back soon for the infamous Summer of 2008 trip (aka: how many flat tires can one mom have in a single trip?) and more! This blog goes in reverse...older trips being added weekly. Please sign up for the RSS feed so you will know when there are updates. Or, email me to be put on an update list!